Hunting and the traffic light system (COVID-19 Protection Framework)
Hunting is allowed under all settings of the traffic light system.
Some travel and facilities will require proof of vaccination. Information on how to get your My Vaccine Pass is available here.
All hunters should keep track of where they have been, including where and who they have been hunting with, to assist with rapid contact tracing. We recommend downloading and using the Ministry of Health’s COVID Tracer App.
Please keep up to date with the latest COVID-19 notifications at
DOC facilities
The Department of Conservation has announced a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy for all of their accommodation facilities, including all huts and campgrounds.
Safety is absolutely paramount . Let people know where you are going and when you should return, prepare appropriately and practice safe firearms practices. More information on hunter safety is available here.
The Mountain Safety Council has a good collection of safety advice available on their website.
COVID-19’s impact on the NZ hunting sector
Former GAC Chair Don Hammond appeared before Parliament’s Epidemic Response Committee in 2020 to discuss the impact of COVID-19 and the lockdowns on the NZ hunting sector.